Jenna Rae Terry

Three years ago I decided I didn’t want to live the way I was living anymore; I’m 5’1, and I gave up weighing myself after I hit 165 pounds.  I decided I wanted to be healthy, I didn’t put unrealistic pressure on myself; I wanted to love myself and what I do.  When I first started my journey, I didn’t expect to get attention or inspire anyone, then slowly I noticed people (especially moms) approaching me.  I was always self-conscience of the stretch marks that covered by body from having my daughter when I was 20 years old.  Starting this fitness journey, I didn’t dream of getting to where I am now, or more importantly, the change that would come from the inside.  I might not appeal to all, and sometimes I’ll have people put me down, but I will never let someone put me back to where I came from.  My transformation wasn’t overnight. It came from hard work, sweat, and lots of tears, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.  Dreams do come true!

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The post Jenna Rae Terry appeared first on ISOLATOR FITNESS BLOG.